I worked on another opening video for Designship 2020, Tokyo's top design conference this year.
With the theme of "chronicle", we asked eleven artists to create a piece freely based on their own visual ideas for each scene. It was my first time planning and directing a project like this. Naturally, it was also my first time curating, but thanks to the amazing work of the creators involved, as well as my teammates, I was able to create a video filled with a lot of my favourite things.
「Chronicle(軌跡)」をテーマに、11人のアーティストに1シーンずつ、自由な発想での映像を制作していただきまた。 このような企画のプランニング、ディレクションは初めて。当然キュレーションも初めてでしたが、クリエイターたちの素晴らしい作品、そしてチームのおかげで、自分の好きが沢山詰まった映像に仕上がりました。

Planning & Curation: minmooba (mooba studio)
Director: minmooba (mooba studio), Yuya Shiroto
Project Manager: mutoatu
Music: cubesato
Voice Over: Sheena Kotone
Design & Animation: Cumuloworks / Mei Konishi / Takuto Nio / Amegi Kae / Remy / Fibo Lin / Polly Tayarachakul / Kohei Takemoto / Miginco / AZUSA / Nate